Watcher One (9)Full unit name: Watcher One
Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:54
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (22)
The Architect of Annihilation (5) »
  • Wore Imperial Officer Uniform A10.1
  • Used H1 Heavy Blaster
  • Used Wrist-mounted Launcher, loaded with Sleep Dart
  • Used Triple-bladed Energy Knife
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    That's enough bloodshed. Let's be professional about this. I'm Watcher One with Imperial Intelligence. Those men you fought served me.
    Hero of Tython
    Watcher One? What kind of name is that?
    Watcher One
    My title is who I am. Any other name I gave you would be a lie.
    Hero of Tython
    Your agents slaughtered Republic citizens. That's an act of war.
    Watcher One
    On the contrary, it was self-preservation.
    Despite what General Var Suthra believes, I've known about this outpost for some time. Your imminent arrival forced me to take action. My mission is to protect the Empire from Doctor Godera's weapons. I'm afraid I can't let you have him.
    Imperial Intelligence prides itself on accurate threat assessment. I've known you were coming; analyzed your strengths and weaknesses in preparation. You defeated the fallen Jedi, Bengel Morr, to become a Knight. You're an exemplar of your order.
    Kira Carsen
    Either this guy reads minds, or he's got spies on Tython.
    Imperial Intelligence = infiltrated Tython?
    Hero of Tython
    He's trying to get under our skin. Make us paranoid.
    Watcher One
    Your mental state is immaterial to the situation.
    As fortune would have it, Doctor Godera will be in my custody shortly. You've already failed.
    Hero of Tython
    You've confused me with someone else. I don't intimidate easily.
    Watcher One
    This isn't about intimidation, Jedi. It's about facts.
    I see my reinforcements are finally in position. Terminate them.
  • Hero of Tython, T7-O1, Kira Carsen
Catching up with Watcher One (8) »
  • Wore Imperial Officer Uniform A10.1
  • Used H1 Heavy Blaster
  • Used Wrist-mounted Launcher, loaded with Sleep Dart
  • Used Triple-bladed Energy Knife
  • Used Holo Shroud
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    "Kulaa" (Watcher One)
    A Jedi! We're saved! Please, you must help. Imperials shot my friend. They want Doctor Godera. They're everywhere!
    Hero of Tython
    How do you know Doctor Godera?
    "Kulaa" (Watcher One)
    We came with him to Taris, years ago. Helped him build these outposts.
    Hero of Tython
    How did you manage to escape the Imperials?
    "Kulaa" (Watcher One)
    They left us for dead. They only want the doctor. He's barricaded himself in the main lab. He can't hold out much longer. You're the only one who can help. Hurry!
    Hero of Tython
    Stay safe. Keep out of sight and protect your friend.
    "Kulaa" (Watcher One)
    I will. Thank you. The main lab is surrounded by Imperials. Good luck, Jedi!
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One (holoshroud)
    There's no need for further violence here. Stand down, Jedi. I'm afraid we both lose this contest. Doctor Godera killed himself rather than be captured. It's a tragic loss.
    Hero of Tython
    You backed him into a corner. What did you expect?
    Watcher One (holoshroud)
    I assured him he wouldn't be harmed, but his hatred of the Empire was beyond reason. He was far more valuable to us alive. We are prepared to leave Taris without further violence. Full cessation of hostilities. Do you accept?
    Hero of Tython
    You've committed crimes against the Republic. I'm taking you in.
    Watcher One (holoshroud)
    You know I can't allow that. Be reasonable. Unlike the men at the outpost, we're trained to fight Jedi. Don't underestimate us.
    Wait, Jedi. These filthy Imps are lying to you. My maker is not dead. I conducted a second triangulation on my maker's bioscan, just to be sure.
    Watcher One (holoshroud)
    Thought we destroyed that irritating machine... Now you all have to die.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, RE-M0
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    Hello again. Your ability to survive is impressive, to say the least. Not my finest performance, but serviceable. Do not fear, Doctor Godera is unharmed. I painlessly rendered him unconscious and gently carried him to safety.
    Hero of Tython
    How did you make yourself appear to be Rodian?
    Watcher One
    A good Watcher never gives up his secrets.
    The loss of my men is regrettable, but they understood what's at stake. We could continue this chase forever - but what a waste of resources. I suggest a compromise. Give me time to administer truth serum to Doctor Godera. Once he reveals his secrets, he's yours. We'll both have what we want.
    Hero of Tython
    You've already deceived me twice. I'd be a fool to give you another chance.
    Watcher One
    My deceptions have failed to produce the desired result. Now, I'm telling the truth. I will purchase time for interrogating Doctor Godera by offering you something of great personal interest. A Sith assassin is on Taris preparing to massacre a small Republic settlement. I can tell you where.
    Hero of Tython
    Why would you do that?
    Watcher One
    The information Doctor Godera possesses is worth more than terrorizing defenseless colonists.
    Kira Carsen
    kira_carsen: We have to help those people.
    First Jedi duty = protect life
    Watcher One
    Rescue your settlement. When that's done, come here and you'll receive Doctor Godera unharmed. You have my word.
    Hero of Tython
    Whether you're lying or not, I can't condemn those people to die.
    Watcher One
    The Republic colonists have a temporary shelter near some ruins. Sending the coordinates now.... The Sith assassin is noted for being a master of beasts. She likely won't be alone. I advise caution. Good luck, Jedi....
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
The Rescue (9) »
  • Wore Imperial Officer Uniform A10.1
  • Used H1 Heavy Blaster
  • Used Wrist-mounted Launcher, loaded with Sleep Dart
  • Used Triple-bladed Energy Knife
  • Used Holo Shroud
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One injected Godera with a truth serum and questioned him on his knowledge of superweapon design.
  • Nasan Godera
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    Lord Angral, my interrogation is complete. Transmitting my report to you now.
    Darth Angral
    Your efficiency will be noted. Take Doctor Godera to Dromund Kaas. I have plans for him.
    Hero of Tython
    You never mentioned you were working for Angral.
    Darth Angral
    What is this? Explain yourself, Watcher.
    Watcher One
    To ensure mission success, I compromised with the Jedi. They're here for the doctor.
    Darth Angral
    You... compromised? With the Jedi vermin who killed my son? You escaped me on Ord Mantell. You will not be so fortunate this time. Perhaps I should be grateful. You've spared me the effort of hunting you down.
    Hero of Tython
    You talk a big game from across the galaxy, Angral.
    Darth Angral
    We'll be face-to-face soon enough. You will beg for mercy. Watcher, bring me this filth alive. I'll kill them myself.
    Watcher One
    Respectfully, my lord, I'm duty-bound to honor our bargain.
    Darth Angral
    Enough! Do as I command! Don't trifle with me! I want that Jedi!
    Watcher One
    Very well, Lord Angral. You're heavily outnumbered, Jedi. I apologize for reneging on our deal, but I have orders. You understand. I recommend you surrender.
    Hero of Tython
    Give me Doctor Godera. Walk away, while you still can.
    Watcher One
    We seem to be at an impasse. This is not the ending I would have chosen.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
  • Darth Angral (from Desolator Crisis)
  • Was defeated by Hero of Tython's Followers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    Again, Darth Angral underestimates you. Twenty years, I've avoided becoming a casualty of Sith madness. But, an order is an order. I've never broken the chain of command. That is my self-respect.
    Hero of Tython
    You have my sympathy.
    Watcher One
    I'm proud to serve the Empire and served as best I could. I have no regrets. Regardless, you are the victor here. How do you wish to proceed?
    Hero of Tython
    Angral will kill you for failing. You can't return to the Empire. Go - find a new life in the Republic. You may discover we're not the enemy you think. You may discover we're not the enemy you think.
    Watcher One
    What? I... only a fool would question such a generous offer. I thank you. Perhaps our paths will cross again. Farewell, Jedi.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1
Watcher One was a human male who was tasked with leading Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Reconstituted Sith Empire
operations during the Desolator Crisis
Desolator Crisis
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. He personally led the operation to capture Republic scientist Doctor Godera on Taris


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Show all (3)DetailsThe Architect of Annihilation (Watcher, Operation Commander)Catching up with Watcher One (Watcher, Operation Commander)The Rescue (Watcher, Operation Commander)
Known roles
Operation Commander
Imperial Intelligence (Sith Empire)
Known weaponry & equipment
H1 Heavy Blaster
Wrist-mounted Launcher
Triple-bladed Energy Knife
Holo Shroud
Known armor & apparel
Imperial Officer Uniform A10.1
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Show all (3)DetailsThe Architect of AnnihilationCatching up with Watcher OneThe Rescue
Darth Angral
The Rescue
Kira Carsen
Show all (3)DetailsThe Architect of AnnihilationCatching up with Watcher OneThe Rescue
Nasan Godera
The Rescue
Catching up with Watcher One
Show all (3)DetailsThe Architect of AnnihilationCatching up with Watcher OneThe Rescue
Complete list

Full unit name: Watcher One Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:54